
We are scientists in the field of adult education based out of different universities. We approach (adult) educational questions and topics from different research perspectives and with different focuses. Our present configuration is open to other interested junior scientists.

Our intention as a publishing editorial collective is therefore to support a form of conflicting exchange, to seek out debates, make them visible, provide them with a forum, question them, and incite them. In this context, it seems important that we take responsibility for striking out in this direction and staying the course. This is where the viewing and assessment of the submitted and requested contributions begins. The features that make up the profile of the journal establish a qualitative framework, which all published contributions must fulfill. Therefore, as an editorial collective, we value a dialogue-rich process in cooperation with the authors. Contributions will be reviewed and fine-tuned in collegial communication.

Carolin Alexander, research associate in the Department of Continuing Education & Governance of Lifelong Learning at the University of Bielefeld and doctoral researcher at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Areas of research: relational theory, continuing higher education, transdisciplinary research, philosophy of science.

Email: carolin.alexander@uni-bielefeld.de

Christoph Damm, Prof. Dr., Professor for pedagogy in social work at the University of Applied Science Magdeburg-Stendal. Areas of research: Adult education, social pedagogy, media pedagogy, migration pedagogy, organisational pedagogy, reconstructive social and educational research.

Email: christoph.damm@h2.de

Malte Ebner von Eschenbach, Dr., research associate in the Department of Adult Education/Continuing Education at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Areas of research: spatial theory in adult education, political adult education, theory of science.

Email: malte.ebner-von-eschenbach@paedagogik.uni-halle.de

Stephanie Freide, PhD candidate and scholarship holder in the graduate program “Mediation and Translation in Transition” at the Center for School and Educational Research at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation. Main research interests: Program planning in adult education, poststructuralist-praxeological discourse research, digitalization in adult education, cultural adult education.

Email: stephanie.freide@zsb.uni-halle.de

Maria Kondratjuk, Dr., research associate in the Department of Adult Education/Continuing Education at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg as well as at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in Higher Education Research. Areas of research: methodology of qualitative research, continuing higher education, philosophy of science, teaching and learning in adult education.

Email: maria.kondratjuk@paedagogik.uni-halle.de

Maria Stimm, Dr., research associate at the Chair for Adult Education/Continuing Education at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg. Areas of research: educational counseling, learning cultures, scientific communication, target groups and participants of adult education/continuing education.

Email: maria.stimm@padegogik@uni-halle.de

Jana Trumann, Dr., research associate in the Department of Adult Education/Political Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Areas of research: adult learning, subject-scientific learning research, political participation and education, educational policy.

Email: jana.trumann@uni-due.de

Farina Wagner, research associate at the German Institute for Adult Education and doctoral researcher at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Areas of research: subjectification processes, continuing education counseling, literacy and basic education, empiricism of adult education/continuing education

E-Mail: farina.wagner@die-bonn.de